john melesky jmelesky

Chess in bevy, following this tutorial:

Updated 3 years ago

VM for ICFP 2006

Updated 4 years ago

The OpenMW Alchemy Shuffler

Updated 4 years ago

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Updated 5 years ago

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Tools for querying feats, particularly creating lists of feats that a character qualifies for.

Updated 5 years ago

playing around with the amethyst engine

Updated 5 years ago

A Dungeons of Dredmor mod which allows crafting of lockpicks from ingots. Number of lockpicks received scales with Tinker. You can still craft lockpicks with 0 Tinker (as long as you have the Tinkerer Parts).

Updated 5 years ago

XP Lettuce A Dungeons of Dredmor mod, in the cheat-y, easy-ifying vein, which adds a collection of evil lettuces. These lettuces are pretty harmless, yet yield great experience.

Updated 5 years ago

I'm going through the Lazy Foo' SDL tutorial, but attempting to use rust (and rust's sdl2 wrapper libraries). - -

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

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A command-line tool for using WINEPREFIX (Wine "bottles") to manage different Wine environments. A "punt" is the weird dimple in the bottom of a glass wine bottle. Nobody knows for certain why they're there.

Updated 6 years ago

[PROCJAM](, and specifically PROCJAM 2018 (currently [here](, but probably [here]( eventually). A basic thematic music generator.

Updated 6 years ago

Web scraper for pulling feats for building a feat spellbook. [Web Scraping With Rust]( used as a tutorial and reference.

Updated 6 years ago

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A small little thing, a tool to help find the right word, when it's at the tip of your tongue, but far from your mind.

Updated 7 years ago

using pyglet to prototype app, current working title "word salad"

Updated 7 years ago