123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130 |
- # ---> Python
- # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
- __pycache__/
- *.py[cod]
- *$py.class
- # C extensions
- *.so
- # Distribution / packaging
- .Python
- env/
- build/
- develop-eggs/
- dist/
- downloads/
- eggs/
- .eggs/
- lib/
- lib64/
- parts/
- sdist/
- var/
- *.egg-info/
- .installed.cfg
- *.egg
- # PyInstaller
- # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
- # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
- *.manifest
- *.spec
- # Installer logs
- pip-log.txt
- pip-delete-this-directory.txt
- # Unit test / coverage reports
- htmlcov/
- .tox/
- .coverage
- .coverage.*
- .cache
- nosetests.xml
- coverage.xml
- *,cover
- # Translations
- *.mo
- *.pot
- # Django stuff:
- *.log
- # Sphinx documentation
- docs/_build/
- # PyBuilder
- target/
- # ---> Emacs
- # -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
- *~
- \#*\#
- /.emacs.desktop
- /.emacs.desktop.lock
- *.elc
- auto-save-list
- tramp
- .\#*
- # Org-mode
- .org-id-locations
- *_archive
- # flymake-mode
- *_flymake.*
- # eshell files
- /eshell/history
- /eshell/lastdir
- # elpa packages
- /elpa/
- # reftex files
- *.rel
- # AUCTeX auto folder
- /auto/
- # cask packages
- .cask/
- # ---> Qt
- # C++ objects and libs
- *.slo
- *.lo
- *.o
- *.a
- *.la
- *.lai
- *.so
- *.dll
- *.dylib
- # Qt-es
- /.qmake.cache
- /.qmake.stash
- *.pro.user
- *.pro.user.*
- *.qbs.user
- *.qbs.user.*
- *.moc
- moc_*.cpp
- qrc_*.cpp
- ui_*.h
- Makefile*
- *-build-*
- # QtCreator
- *.autosave
- #QtCtreator Qml
- *.qmlproject.user
- *.qmlproject.user.*