AUTHOR = 'john melesky' SITENAME = "john's corner of the web" SITEURL = '' PATH = 'content' ARTICLE_PATHS = ['blog'] ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = '{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{date:%d}/{slug}.html' ARTICLE_URL = '{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{date:%d}/{slug}.html' TAGS_SAVE_AS = 'tags.html' TIMEZONE = 'US/Pacific' DEFAULT_LANG = 'en' THEME = '/home/jmelesky/code/pelican-sober' PLUGINS = ['render_math'] MARKDOWN = { 'extensions': [ 'markdown_captions', 'extra', 'codehilite', 'meta', 'sane_lists', 'smarty', 'legacy_em', 'legacy_attrs', ], } # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = { 'extra/keybase.txt': {'path': 'keybase.txt'}, 'extra/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'}, 'extra/ai.txt': {'path': 'ai.txt'}, 'extra/favicon.ico': {'path': 'favicon.ico'}, } STATIC_PATHS = [ 'images', 'extra/keybase.txt', 'extra/robots.txt', 'extra/ai.txt', 'extra/favicon.ico', ] SITE_NAV = ( ('Home', ''), ('About', 'pages/about.html'), ('Work', 'pages/me-professionally.html'), ('Archive', 'archives.html'), ) # Blogroll LINKS = () # LINKS = (('Pelican', ''), # ('', ''), # ('Jinja2', ''), # ('You can modify those links in your config file', '#'),) # Social widget SOCIAL = ( ('Akkoma', ''), ('LinkedIn', ''), ) DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 5 # Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing RELATIVE_URLS = True