kraz-quests.txt 20 KB

  1. # Kraz Cybernetics
  2. mission "jm-artcrew Kraz [0]"
  3. name "Help Kraz scientists with a runaway ship"
  4. minor
  5. description "Scientists from Kraz Cybernetics need you to disable a ship in the <system> system, then land back on <destination>."
  6. source
  7. attributes "rim"
  8. to offer
  9. random < 40
  10. "combat rating" > 5
  11. "combat rating" < 100
  12. not "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  13. on offer
  14. conversation
  15. `You walk through the spaceport, watching robots slowly load and unload cargo from various ships, when you hear a sudden ruckus. You turn and see a small group of people, most wearing lab coats, exclaiming in dismay as a ship lifts off.`
  16. choice
  17. ` Investigate`
  18. goto continue
  19. ` No time for nonsense right now`
  20. defer
  21. label continue
  22. ` You walk over to ask what might be wrong. After some glances back and forth a bespectacled woman answers. "Our research just ... took off." Her shoulders droop as she looks at the ground. "Years of research, now running around uselessly above us." She sighs, then looks back up at you. "Sorry, manners. I'm Dr. Danifry, and we're scientists with Kraz Cybernetics. We had just finished loading prototype equipment onto a ship for field tests when the ship took off without any of us aboard. Would you be willing to disable the ship for us? It shouldn't have left the system, and if you can disable it, we should have no trouble taking a shuttle up and continuing our work."`
  23. choice
  24. ` "Of course, no problem."`
  25. goto ready
  26. ` "What do I get out of it?"`
  27. ` The scientists trade worried looks until Dr. Danifry speaks up. "We don't have budget to hire you properly, but if you help us we can ... redirect one of our prototypes to you." One of the other scientists starts to object, but Danifry cuts him off. "For security reasons, I can't tell you what it is, but I can say that it's intended for eventual retail sale at over one hundred thousand credits. A single prototype won't be missed, but only if we can recover what's in that ship. Agreed?"`
  28. choice
  29. ` "That sounds reasonable."`
  30. goto ready
  31. ` "Sorry, no dice."`
  32. ` Dr. Danifry frowns, then nods stiffly. "That's all we can offer, sorry." The scientists turn and walk away.`
  33. decline
  34. label ready
  35. ` Dr. Danifry's face relaxes. "Thank you. The ship is just a freighter, so it shouldn't be too difficult to disable. And as mentioned, it should still be in the system." You turn to head to your ship. "Oh, wait! One more thing! The equipment is a a bit unpredictable, so please don't board the ship. It may be dangerous if it's malfunctioning."`
  36. accept
  37. npc save disable
  38. government "jm-artcrew Runaway Ship"
  39. personality timid heroic staying disables target
  40. confusion 100
  41. system destination
  42. ship "Runaway Clipper"
  43. dialog "As you check your scans to verify the ship is disabled, you realize there are no life forms detected on board. You should let the scientists know the grim news."
  44. on accept
  45. log "Minor People" "Dr. Danifry" "A scientist with Kraz Cybernetics who asked me to disable her ship."
  46. set "jm-artcrew kraz robots will happen"
  47. on visit
  48. dialog "The runaway ship is still somewhere in <system>. You need to disable it before returning to the scientists."
  49. on abort
  50. # robots will roll out eventually, but more slowly
  51. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  52. on decline
  53. log "Some Kraz scientists had a problem with a runaway ship, but they couldn't pay enough to hire me."
  54. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  55. on fail
  56. log "Tried to help some scientists with a runaway ship, but accidentally destroyed all their research."
  57. dialog "You've disabled that runaway ship all right, and a bit more, too. The scientists from Kraz Cybernetics are going to be upset."
  58. # robots will still roll out, but much later
  59. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 360
  60. on complete
  61. log "Helped some scientists from Kraz Cybernetics, whose crew robots had gone rogue in their test ship. Disabled the ship so they were able to retrieve their research, and got a free sample robot."
  62. outfit "Kraz Robot Crewmate"
  63. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 14
  64. set "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  65. conversation
  66. `Dr. Danifry is waiting for you when you land. You tell them about the lack of life signs, and she looks at you blankly for a moment. Then she seems to figure out what you're implying, and says, "That's ... not unexpected, and nothing to worry about. Here, let's get your new equipment set up and I think you'll understand."`
  67. ` She turns to a nearby dock system console and types a few things in. Robots load two items covered in tarps into your cargo bay. Once inside, she pulls the tarp from one, and underneath is a robot. It swivels two cameras towards you and stiffens in what you think is a salute. "Prepared for duty, captain!", it says.`
  68. ` Dr. Danifry looks pleased at your surprise. "Our newest robot is designed to be a fully-functional crew member. Our newest software update made the robots ... more assertive than intended, and they launched the ship before any humans were on board. This second package is the robot's docking station, where it sorts and processes the day's neural input and shares data with any other connected robots."`
  69. ` She installs the docking station and explains how to use the robot. Apparently, it should last for at least two centuries in working order, as long as it gets an hour of downtime each day cycle. "Of course, you didn't hear any of this from me. And I'd appreciate it if you kept her hidden until they hit the market."`
  70. ` "Fortunately, since you saved our field test, that should only take a couple weeks. I'd rather not imagine how badly we'd have been set back if you hadn't helped us. Thank you again."`
  71. mission "jm-artcrew Kraz [1]"
  72. name "Help Kraz scientists with a runaway ship"
  73. minor
  74. description "Scientists from Kraz Cybernetics need you to disable a ship in the <system> system, then land back on <destination>."
  75. source
  76. attributes "rim"
  77. to offer
  78. random < 40
  79. "combat rating" > 100
  80. "combat rating" < 300
  81. not "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  82. on offer
  83. conversation
  84. `You walk through the spaceport, watching robots slowly load and unload cargo from various ships, when you hear a sudden ruckus. You turn and see a small group of people, most wearing lab coats, exclaiming in dismay as a ship lifts off.`
  85. choice
  86. ` Investigate`
  87. goto continue
  88. ` No time for nonsense right now`
  89. defer
  90. label continue
  91. ` You walk over to ask what might be wrong. After some glances back and forth a bespectacled woman answers. "Our research just ... took off." Her shoulders droop as she looks at the ground. "Years of research, now running around uselessly above us." She sighs, then looks back up at you. "Sorry, manners. I'm Dr. Danifry, and we're scientists with Kraz Cybernetics. We had just finished loading prototype equipment onto a ship for field tests when the ship took off without any of us aboard. Would you be willing to disable the ship for us? It shouldn't have left the system, and if you can disable it, we should have no trouble taking a shuttle up and continuing our work."`
  92. choice
  93. ` "Of course, no problem."`
  94. goto ready
  95. ` "What do I get out of it?"`
  96. ` The scientists trade worried looks until Dr. Danifry speaks up. "We don't have budget to hire you properly, but if you help us we can ... redirect one of our prototypes to you." One of the other scientists starts to object, but Danifry cuts him off. "For security reasons, I can't tell you what it is, but I can say that it's intended for eventual retail sale at over one hundred thousand credits. A single prototype won't be missed, but only if we can recover what's in that ship. Agreed?"`
  97. choice
  98. ` "That sounds reasonable."`
  99. goto ready
  100. ` "Sorry, no dice."`
  101. ` Dr. Danifry frowns, then nods stiffly. "That's all we can offer, sorry." The scientists turn and walk away.`
  102. decline
  103. label ready
  104. ` Dr. Danifry's face relaxes. "Thank you. The ship is just a freighter, so it shouldn't be too difficult to disable. And as mentioned, it should still be in the system." You turn to head to your ship. "Oh, wait! One more thing! The equipment is a a bit unpredictable, so please don't board the ship. It may be dangerous if it's malfunctioning."`
  105. accept
  106. npc save disable
  107. government "jm-artcrew Runaway Ship"
  108. personality timid heroic staying disables target
  109. confusion 100
  110. system destination
  111. ship "Runaway Argosy"
  112. dialog "As you check your scans to verify the ship is disabled, you realize there are no life forms detected on board. You should let the scientists know the grim news."
  113. on accept
  114. log "Minor People" "Dr. Danifry" "A scientist with Kraz Cybernetics who asked me to disable her ship."
  115. set "jm-artcrew kraz robots will happen"
  116. on visit
  117. dialog "The runaway ship is still somewhere in <system>. You need to disable it before returning to the scientists."
  118. on abort
  119. # robots will roll out eventually, but more slowly
  120. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  121. on decline
  122. log "Some Kraz scientists had a problem with a runaway ship, but they couldn't pay enough to hire me."
  123. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  124. on fail
  125. log "Tried to help some scientists with a runaway ship, but accidentally destroyed all their research."
  126. dialog "You've disabled that runaway ship all right, and a bit more, too. The scientists from Kraz Cybernetics are going to be upset."
  127. # robots will still roll out, but much later
  128. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 240
  129. on complete
  130. log "Helped some scientists from Kraz Cybernetics, whose crew robots had gone rogue in their test ship. Disabled the ship so they were able to retrieve their research, and got a free sample robot."
  131. outfit "Kraz Robot Crewmate"
  132. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 14
  133. set "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  134. conversation
  135. `Dr. Danifry is waiting for you when you land. You tell them about the lack of life signs, and she looks at you blankly for a moment. Then she seems to figure out what you're implying, and says, "That's ... not unexpected, and nothing to worry about. Here, let's get your new equipment set up and I think you'll understand."`
  136. ` She turns to a nearby dock system console and types a few things in. Robots load two items covered in tarps into your cargo bay. Once inside, she pulls the tarp from one, and underneath is a robot. It swivels two cameras towards you and stiffens in what you think is a salute. "Prepared for duty, captain!", it says.`
  137. ` Dr. Danifry looks pleased at your surprise. "Our newest robot is designed to be a fully-functional crew member. Our newest software update made the robots ... more assertive than intended, and they launched the ship before any humans were on board. This second package is the robot's docking station, where it sorts and processes the day's neural input and shares data with any other connected robots."`
  138. ` She installs the docking station and explains how to use the robot. Apparently, it should last for at least two centuries in working order, as long as it gets an hour of downtime each day cycle. "Of course, you didn't hear any of this from me. And I'd appreciate it if you kept her hidden until they hit the market."`
  139. ` "Fortunately, since you saved our field test, that should only take a couple weeks. I'd rather not imagine how badly we'd have been set back if you hadn't helped us. Thank you again."`
  140. mission "jm-artcrew Kraz [2]"
  141. name "Help Kraz scientists with a runaway ship"
  142. minor
  143. description "Scientists from Kraz Cybernetics need you to disable a ship in the <system> system, then land back on <destination>."
  144. source
  145. attributes "rim"
  146. to offer
  147. random < 40
  148. "combat rating" > 300
  149. not "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  150. on offer
  151. conversation
  152. `You walk through the spaceport, watching robots slowly load and unload cargo from various ships, when you hear a sudden ruckus. You turn and see a small group of people, most wearing lab coats, exclaiming in dismay as a ship lifts off.`
  153. choice
  154. ` Investigate`
  155. goto continue
  156. ` No time for nonsense right now`
  157. defer
  158. label continue
  159. ` You walk over to ask what might be wrong. After some glances back and forth a bespectacled woman answers. "Our research just ... took off." Her shoulders droop as she looks at the ground. "Years of research, now running around uselessly above us." She sighs, then looks back up at you. "Sorry, manners. I'm Dr. Danifry, and we're scientists with Kraz Cybernetics. We had just finished loading prototype equipment onto a ship for field tests when the ship took off without any of us aboard. Would you be willing to disable the ship for us? It shouldn't have left the system, and if you can disable it, we should have no trouble taking a shuttle up and continuing our work."`
  160. choice
  161. ` "Of course, no problem."`
  162. goto ready
  163. ` "What do I get out of it?"`
  164. ` The scientists trade worried looks until Dr. Danifry speaks up. "We don't have budget to hire you properly, but if you help us we can ... redirect one of our prototypes to you." One of the other scientists starts to object, but Danifry cuts him off. "For security reasons, I can't tell you what it is, but I can say that it's intended for eventual retail sale at over one hundred thousand credits. A single prototype won't be missed, but only if we can recover what's in that ship. Agreed?"`
  165. choice
  166. ` "That sounds reasonable."`
  167. goto ready
  168. ` "Sorry, no dice."`
  169. ` Dr. Danifry frowns, then nods stiffly. "That's all we can offer, sorry." The scientists turn and walk away.`
  170. decline
  171. label ready
  172. ` Dr. Danifry's face relaxes. "Thank you. The ship is ... a Bastion, so I hope it won't be too difficult to disable. And as mentioned, it should still be in the system." You turn to head to your ship. "Oh, wait! One more thing! The equipment is a a bit unpredictable, so please don't board the ship. It may be dangerous if it's malfunctioning."`
  173. accept
  174. npc save disable
  175. government "jm-artcrew Runaway Ship"
  176. personality timid heroic staying disables target
  177. confusion 100
  178. system destination
  179. ship "Runaway Bastion"
  180. dialog "As you check your scans to verify the ship is disabled, you realize there are no life forms detected on board. You should let the scientists know the grim news."
  181. on accept
  182. log "Minor People" "Dr. Danifry" "A scientist with Kraz Cybernetics who asked me to disable her ship."
  183. set "jm-artcrew kraz robots will happen"
  184. on visit
  185. dialog "The runaway ship is still somewhere in <system>. You need to disable it before returning to the scientists."
  186. on abort
  187. # robots will roll out eventually, but more slowly
  188. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  189. on decline
  190. log "Some Kraz scientists had a problem with a runaway ship, but they couldn't pay enough to hire me."
  191. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 120
  192. on fail
  193. log "Tried to help some scientists with a runaway ship, but accidentally destroyed all their research."
  194. dialog "You've disabled that runaway ship all right, and a bit more, too. The scientists from Kraz Cybernetics are going to be upset."
  195. # robots will still roll out, but much later
  196. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 240
  197. on complete
  198. log "Helped some scientists from Kraz Cybernetics, whose crew robots had gone rogue in their test ship. Disabled the ship so they were able to retrieve their research, and got a free sample robot."
  199. outfit "Kraz Robot Crewmate"
  200. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available" 14
  201. set "jm-artcrew Kraz quest completed"
  202. conversation
  203. `Dr. Danifry is waiting for you when you land. You tell them about the lack of life signs, and she looks at you blankly for a moment. Then she seems to figure out what you're implying, and says, "That's ... not unexpected, and nothing to worry about. Here, let's get your new equipment set up and I think you'll understand."`
  204. ` She turns to a nearby dock system console and types a few things in. Robots load two items covered in tarps into your cargo bay. Once inside, she pulls the tarp from one, and underneath is a robot. It swivels two cameras towards you and stiffens in what you think is a salute. "Prepared for duty, captain!", it says.`
  205. ` Dr. Danifry looks pleased at your surprise. "Our newest robot is designed to be a fully-functional crew member. Our newest software update made the robots ... more assertive than intended, and they launched the ship before any humans were on board. This second package is the robot's docking station, where it sorts and processes the day's neural input and shares data with any other connected robots."`
  206. ` She installs the docking station and explains how to use the robot. Apparently, it should last for at least two centuries in working order, as long as it gets an hour of downtime each day cycle. "Of course, you didn't hear any of this from me. And I'd appreciate it if you kept her hidden until they hit the market."`
  207. ` "Fortunately, since you saved our field test, that should only take a couple weeks. I'd rather not imagine how badly we'd have been set back if you hadn't helped us. Thank you again."`
  208. event "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available"
  209. set "jm-artcrew kraz robots for sale"
  210. outfitter "Kraz Basics"
  211. "Kraz Robot Crewmate"
  212. outfitter "Kraz Advanced"
  213. "Kraz Robot Crewmate"
  214. mission "jm-artcrew Kraz robots available"
  215. landing
  216. source
  217. near "Kraz" 100
  218. to offer
  219. has "jm-artcrew kraz robots for sale"
  220. on offer
  221. conversation
  222. `An advertisement crossing your feed catches your eye.`
  223. ` "Kraz Cybernetics is pleased to announce the release of our Robot Crewmate! Able to serve any crew function! Now available in your favorite Kraz affiliate outfitters."`
  224. decline
  225. ship "Clipper" "Runaway Clipper"
  226. outfits
  227. "Beam Laser" 2
  228. "Javelin Mini Pod" 2
  229. "Javelin" 80
  230. "nGVF-DD Fuel Cell"
  231. "LP072a Battery Pack"
  232. "D23-QP Shield Generator"
  233. "Greyhound Plasma Thruster"
  234. "Greyhound Plasma Steering"
  235. "Hyperdrive"
  236. "Kraz Test Dummy" 5
  237. add attributes
  238. "automaton" 1
  239. "self destruct" 1
  240. ship "Argosy" "Runaway Argosy"
  241. outfits
  242. "Energy Blaster" 2
  243. "Meteor Missile Launcher" 2
  244. "Meteor Missile" 60
  245. "Blaster Turret"
  246. "Anti-Missile Turret"
  247. "RT-I Radiothermal"
  248. "LP072a Battery Pack"
  249. "D23-QP Shield Generator"
  250. "Greyhound Plasma Thruster"
  251. "Greyhound Plasma Steering"
  252. "Capybara Reverse Thruster"
  253. "Hyperdrive"
  254. "Kraz Test Dummy" 7
  255. add attributes
  256. "automaton" 1
  257. "self destruct" 1
  258. ship "Bastion" "Runaway Bastion"
  259. outfits
  260. "Plasma Cannon" 2
  261. "Heavy Rocket Launcher" 2
  262. "Heavy Rocket" 60
  263. "Heavy Rocket Rack" 2
  264. "Blaster Turret" 2
  265. "Anti-Missile Turret"
  266. "S3 Thermionic"
  267. "LP144a Battery Pack"
  268. "nGVF-BB Fuel Cell"
  269. "D67-TM Shield Generator"
  270. "Water Coolant System"
  271. "Laser Rifle" 7
  272. "Impala Plasma Thruster"
  273. "Impala Plasma Steering"
  274. "Kraz Test Dummy" 20
  275. add attributes
  276. "automaton" 1
  277. "self destruct" 1
  278. government "jm-artcrew Runaway Ship"
  279. "display name" "Runaway Ship"
  280. swizzle 21
  281. "player reputation" -1000
  282. "hostile hail" "jm-artcrew runaway ship hostile"
  283. "hostile disabled hail" "jm-artcrew runaway ship disabled"
  284. "bribe" 0
  285. "fine" 0
  286. phrase "jm-artcrew runaway ship hostile"
  287. word
  288. "You receive no response."
  290. "You receive several bursts of static in response."
  292. "You hear a series of beeps and clicks."
  296. phrase "jm-artcrew runaway ship disabled"
  297. word
  298. "You receive no response."
  300. "You receive several bursts of static in response."
  302. "You hear a series of beeps and clicks."
  304. "ERROR CODE [77DFF8A2]"