deep-quests.txt 20 KB

  1. # Deep Sky
  2. # part 1, software crew members
  3. mission "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 1"
  4. name "Sensitive delivery"
  5. job
  6. description "Bring a message and <tons> of data storage to Ms. Lenniker on <destination>. Payment is <payment>."
  7. cargo "encrypted data storage" 1
  8. source
  9. attributes "deep"
  10. near "Naos" 1 10
  11. not planet "Asgard"
  12. destination "Asgard"
  13. on accept
  14. dialog `A thin, harried-looking office worker hands you a portable data chip, saying, "Make sure you hand this directly to Ms. Lenniker. Nobody else!" He hurries away as the heavier storage devices are loaded into your cargo.`
  15. on abort
  16. # VOs will roll out eventually, but more slowly
  17. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 1200
  18. on fail
  19. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 1200
  20. on complete
  21. log "Delivered a large amount of encrypted data to a Ms. Runa Lenniker on Asgard."
  22. payment 40000
  23. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 1000
  24. set "jm-artcrew Deep started"
  25. dialog `A heavyset woman is waiting for you at the landing pad. "I'm Runa Lenniker. Did Walter include a message for me?" You hand her the data chip. "Thank you. I may have more work for you shortly. Look for me in Galdrafoth Pub, near the spaceport."`
  26. mission "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 2"
  27. priority
  28. name "Collect encrypted data for Ms. Lenniker"
  29. description "Travel to several systems to collect data storage for Runa Lenniker on <destination> by <date>. Payment is <payment>."
  30. cargo "reserved for data storage" 3
  31. source "Asgard"
  32. stopover "Zug"
  33. stopover "Wayfarer"
  34. stopover "Follower"
  35. destination "Asgard"
  36. deadline 7 2
  37. to offer
  38. has "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 1: done"
  39. not "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  40. on offer
  41. conversation
  42. `You find Galdrafoth Pub, a dimly-lit hole in the wall that seems to specialize in cozy booths. Ms. Lenniker is sitting in one, perusing a data pad with a stack of of similar pads on the table next to her. She notices you enter and waves you over.`
  43. ` "Forgive my prying, Captain <last>, but background checks are standard in my line of work." She sets the data pad aside and you see your photo and a bunch of numbers on it.`
  44. ` "I need someone to retrieve more data storage devices similar to what you've already brought me. I think you and the <ship> are well-suited for the job."`
  45. ` She looks at her watch. "The only hitch is that it's a bit urgent. I need the data by <day> in order to meet my deadlines, but that should be plenty of time to get there and back. What do you say?"`
  46. choice
  47. ` Nothing comes for free. How much?`
  48. goto pay
  49. ` This seems a little sketchy to me`
  50. goto sketchy
  51. ` Sorry, not interested`
  52. decline
  53. label pay
  54. ` "To the point, I like that. Three deliveries, all paying well like the first. Add a bit for the deadline and the longer distance, and I figure 150 thousand should do. Agreed?"`
  55. choice
  56. ` Agreed. Three shipments by <day> for <payment>.`
  57. goto agreed
  58. ` This all sounds a little sketchy to me`
  59. goto sketchy
  60. ` Sorry, not worth my time`
  61. decline
  62. label sketchy
  63. ` "I appreciate someone who acts with caution. Unfortunately, there's a limit to what I can tell you." She pauses for a moment to think. "I can say that I'm not asking you to do anything illegal. Nor should there be any danger aside from the pirates you sometimes find in fringe systems."`
  64. ` She smirks. "Of course, discretion is still appreciated."`
  65. choice
  66. ` Alright, I'll get your three shipments by <date>.`
  67. goto agreed
  68. ` Discretion costs money. How much are we talking?`
  69. goto pay
  70. ` Sorry, too many unknowns. I'm not interested.`
  71. decline
  72. label agreed
  73. ` "Excellent!" She pulls a portable data chip from a jacket pocket and hands it to you. "Three planets, three contacts, three parcels of data storage. I look forward to your return."`
  74. accept
  75. on visit
  76. on stopover
  77. dialog `A dark-skinned woman meets you with the last shipment of data storage. She hisses, "And let Runa know we're even now. No more favors."`
  78. on complete
  79. payment 150000
  80. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 800
  81. conversation
  82. `Runa Lenniker looks tense while waiting for you at the landing pad. "Thank you, Captain."`
  83. ` She glances around briefly before moving in closer and saying in a lowered voice, "Meet me at the place if you're up for more work."`
  84. mission "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 3"
  85. priority
  86. name "Collect more encrypted data for Ms. Lenniker"
  87. description "Travel to two more systems to collect data storage for Runa Lenniker on <destination> by <date>. Make sure you're not followed. Payment is <payment>."
  88. cargo "reserved for data storage" 2
  89. source "Asgard"
  90. stopover "Sunracer"
  91. stopover "Delve"
  92. destination "Asgard"
  93. deadline 5 3
  94. to offer
  95. has "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 2: done"
  96. not "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  97. on offer
  98. conversation
  99. `You find Galdrafoth Pub again, and this time you're first to arrive. After a short wait, Ms. Lenniker comes in carrying a briefcase. The two of you sit in a quiet booth.`
  100. ` "Apologies for earlier, but I'm concerned there's been a security leak. I am glad to see you, Captain <last>."`
  101. choice
  102. ` I'm not the source of the leak, if that's what you're implying.`
  103. goto leak
  104. ` If I knew more about the job I might be able to help.`
  105. goto info
  106. ` Please, call me <first>. `
  107. goto names
  108. label leak
  109. ` "No, you don't fit the profile. And I'm fairly certain I haven't leaked anything dangerous to you."`
  110. goto briefing
  111. label info
  112. ` "You've earned some answers, but let's discuss the next job first, shall we?"`
  113. goto briefing
  114. label names
  115. ` She arches an eyebrow, but smiles. "Very well, <first>. And, please, call me Runa."`
  116. action
  117. set "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  118. label briefing
  119. ` "My next job is the same as the last one, but both simpler and more complicated."`
  120. ` "The 'more complicated' you may have already guessed--persons unknown have caught wind of my project so discretion has become more important. Simpler, though, because there are only two stops, and they're much closer together. It should be straightforward to get this back to me by <day>."`
  121. ` "Still, because of the increased need for secrecy, I'm willing to pay a premium. Two hundred thousand credits, if you can bring both data storage, on time, and not followed by anybody."`
  122. choice
  123. ` You said there was nothing illegal going on.`
  124. goto illegal
  125. ` Sorry, this has gotten too dangerous for me.`
  126. decline
  127. label illegal
  128. ` "Technically, I said that you wouldn't be doing anything illegal. But, it's true, none of this is illegal, per se. The people you're retrieving cargo from may be in violation of their employment contracts, but that's their responsibility, not ours."`
  129. ` She pauses, then sighs and leans forward slightly. "It's ship plans."`
  130. ` As she continues, you sense a barely suppressed excitement in her voice. "Detailed manufacturing specifications for every model of ship ever produced by Lionheart, Southbound, Betelgeuse, or Tarazed. Materials manifests and tolerances, assembly protocols, quality control procedures. Comprehensive field test data and sensor logs. Plus specifications for ships in their research queue." She pauses to take a breath. "That's what you've been delivering to me. It's cost me plenty of credits and quite a few favors to get."`
  131. choice
  132. ` But why? What do you need ship schematics for?`
  133. goto notyet
  134. ` Go on...`
  135. goto decision
  136. label notyet
  137. ` She grimaces when you ask that. "I can't tell you that. Not yet, anyway. Do this for me and maybe we can talk more about it."`
  138. label decision
  139. ` "The two stops I need you to make are both Syndicate. Well, one is Megaparsec, but they're clearly in the Syndicate's pocket. Bring that data back here to me, and do so without leading anyone else here, and by <day>, and I'll give you <payment>. Is it a deal?"`
  140. choice
  141. ` It's a deal.`
  142. goto agreed
  143. ` I can't afford to get on the Syndicate's bad side, sorry.`
  144. decline
  145. label agreed
  146. branch agreedfirst
  147. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  148. ` "Thank you, Captain <last>." She hands you another portable data chip. "Places and contact information are here. I'll see you on your return."`
  149. accept
  150. label agreedfirst
  151. ` "Excellent, <first>! I promise more answers for you when you return." She hands you another portable data chip. "Places and contact information are here. And please be careful."`
  152. accept
  153. on visit
  154. dialog "You need to retrieve both stores of data and evade any pursuers before you can complete this mission."
  155. on stopover
  156. dialog `A man with ocular prostheses states simply, "Our business is completed" as the data storage is loaded onto your ship. Now, back to <destination>.`
  157. npc evade
  158. government "Syndicate"
  159. personality waiting
  160. system Mirfak
  161. ship "Freighter (Fancy)" "Green Dawn"
  162. npc evade
  163. government "Syndicate"
  164. personality waiting
  165. system Scheat
  166. ship "Freighter (Fancy)" "Calm Blue Ocean"
  167. on accept
  168. log "Minor People" "Runa Lenniker" "Runa Lenniker is some sort of researcher who has been paying me a great deal of credits to retrieve detailed ship manufacturing data."
  169. on complete
  170. payment 200000
  171. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 600
  172. conversation
  173. branch completedfirst completedformal
  174. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  175. label completedfirst
  176. `Runa meets you at the landing pad. "You've been incredibly helpful, <first>, and we're almost done. Join me for dinner in the usual spot and we'll talk about the last job."`
  177. goto done
  178. label completedformal
  179. `Ms. Lenniker isn't there to meet you when you land, but there's a note attached when the credits land in your account. "Thank you, Captain <last>. I've one more job for you before I'm done. Meet me in the usual spot."`
  180. label done
  181. ` You wonder what else she could need.`
  182. mission "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 4"
  183. priority
  184. name "Collect encrypted data from pirates for Ms. Lennniker"
  185. description "Travel to four pirate shipyards to collect one last data shipment for Runa Lenniker by <date>. Payment is <payment>."
  186. cargo "reserved for data storage" 4
  187. source "Asgard"
  188. stopover "Buccaneer Bay"
  189. stopover "Haven"
  190. stopover "New Tortuga"
  191. stopover "Smuggler's Den"
  192. clearance "Lenniker said you'd be coming. You're cleared for landing."
  193. destination "Asgard"
  194. deadline 5 3
  195. to offer
  196. has "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 3: done"
  197. not "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  198. on offer
  199. conversation
  200. `The staff at Galdrafoth Pub have begun to recognize you. The bartender nods as you come in and indicates with a chin thrust where you should sit.`
  201. branch startfirst startformal
  202. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  203. label startfirst
  204. ` Runa's eyes light up as she smiles at you. "We're so close, now! I'm so excited! And you've more than earned an explanation."`
  205. goto briefingchoice
  206. label startformal
  207. ` Ms. Lenniker smiles when she sees you. "I'm so close, and I've got you to thank for it. Are you still interested in knowing what I'm working on?"`
  208. label briefingchoice
  209. choice
  210. ` Not interested. Just tell me the target and the pay.`
  211. goto coldresponse
  212. ` I trust you at this point, even if you need to keep secrets.`
  213. goto trustresponse
  214. ` Yes! I need to know what you're doing with all this ship data.`
  215. goto info
  216. label coldresponse
  217. branch coldfirst coldformal
  218. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  219. label coldfirst
  220. ` Runa looks a bit taken aback for a moment, then composes herself.`
  221. action
  222. clear "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  223. label coldformal
  224. ` "Of course."`
  225. goto terms
  226. label trustresponse
  227. branch trustfirst trustformal
  228. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  229. label trustfirst
  230. ` Runa leans across the table, puts her hand on top of yours and gently squeezes. She has a soft smile that touches her eyes.`
  231. action
  232. set "jm-artcrew Runa hands"
  233. label trustformal
  234. ` "I've come to trust you, too, and I'd like to share if that's alright."`
  235. choice
  236. ` I've gone on faith so far, and it hasn't steered me wrong.`
  237. goto terms
  238. ` Alright, I admit I've been very curious.`
  239. goto info
  240. label info
  241. ` "You've certainly guessed I work for Deep Sky. And everything we do is secretive. Even though I trust you, I'm still going to ask that you keep this to yourself, at least until we're ready to ship our product."`
  242. ` "I'm a programmer, an expert in neural computation and training. Basically, I make artificial intelligences. Mostly of my work has been in research and research enablement, but a couple years ago I started something a little more ambitious. AIs to help captains like you crew their ships."`
  243. ` "The ship data you're retrieving is being fed into my training models. You're helping me build the future of automated spacefaring!"`
  244. goto terms
  245. label terms
  246. branch termsfirst termsformal
  247. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  248. label termsfirst
  249. ` "The last work I'll ask of you is similar to the last few jobs, though more dangerous. So please be safe."`
  250. goto briefing
  251. label termsformal
  252. ` "The thing I need from you is similar to the last few jobs, though more dangerous."`
  253. label briefing
  254. ` "You've retrieved data from all the major ship manufacturers. However, pirates and marauders have been making their own ships, or at least drastically modifying existing ships. Some of them even use novel outfits."`
  255. ` "I need you to make four more pickups, and they're all in dangerous places. I recommend you exercise caution, and make sure you and the <ship> can defend yourselves against the smugglers and marauders in these systems."`
  256. ` "Because of the increased danger, I'm offering you a payment of five hundred thousand credits if you can bring that data back by <day>. In addition, I can offer you some free hardware when it becomes available."`
  257. choice
  258. ` Sounds dangerous, but nothing I can't handle.`
  259. goto agreed
  260. ` Sorry, pirates and marauders are too dangerous for my taste.`
  261. decline
  262. label agreed
  263. branch agreedfirst agreedformal
  264. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  265. label agreedfirst
  266. ` She slides a data chip across the table. "Be careful, <first>. You'll likely be under fire in these systems until you can land. I'd hate to lose you."`
  267. accept
  268. label agreedformal
  269. ` "Captain <last>, you are a credit to independent captains across the galaxy." She slides a data chip across the table. "Safe travels."`
  270. accept
  271. on visit
  272. dialog "You have not yet retrieved all the data required by Runa Lenniker."
  273. on stopover
  274. dialog `A deeply-tanned man with heavy eyeliner smirks as he helps load the last data storage on your ship.`
  275. on complete
  276. log "Brought ship data from pirate shipyards to Runa Lenniker for her AI project."
  277. payment 500000
  278. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available" 21
  279. conversation
  280. branch completedfirst completedformal
  281. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  282. label completedfirst
  283. branch completedhands completedjustfirst
  284. has "jm-artcrew Runa hands"
  285. label completedhands
  286. action
  287. log "Minor People" "Runa Lenniker" "Runa and I have become close over the past months of working together."
  288. `Runa greets you with a long hug. "You're amazing, <first>. And I'm so happy you arrived safely."`
  289. goto done
  290. label completedjustfirst
  291. `Runa meets you at the landing pad. "<first>, I'm not sure what I'd have done without you."`
  292. goto done
  293. label done
  294. ` "Unfortunately, your success means crunch time at work for me. It will be at least a few weeks before we can see eachother again."`
  295. goto realdone
  296. label completedformal
  297. `Ms. Lenniker is beaming when you land. "Captain <last>, you've been invaluable."`
  298. label realdone
  299. ` "Here are your credits. The hardware I promised will be ready within a month. Look for me in the Galdrafoth, okay?"`
  300. mission "jm-artcrew Deep Sky bonus pay"
  301. source Asgard
  302. to offer
  303. has "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  304. has "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 4: done"
  305. on offer
  306. conversation
  307. `Runa Lenniker is sitting in her usual nook in the Galdrafoth Pub. She waves you over.`
  308. branch greetfirst greetformal
  309. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  310. label greetfirst
  311. branch greethands greetjustfirst
  312. has "jm-artcrew Runa hands"
  313. label greethands
  314. ` She stands to give you a hug. "I've missed you, <first>!"`
  315. goto whichvo
  316. label greetjustfirst
  317. ` "<first>! I'm so glad to see you!"`
  318. goto whichvo
  319. label greetformal
  320. ` "Captain <last>! You've earned this reward."`
  321. goto whichvo
  322. label whichvo
  323. ` "I've developed five different AIs, each which will help crew your ship in different ways. The Helmsman helps your ship maneuver. The Engineer helps your systems run more efficiently. There's a Science Officer that improves your scanning and analysis systems, and a Tactical Officer that improves your combat defenses. Finally, I have a Security Officer who can help you avoid prying eyes."`
  324. ` "Which one would you like?"`
  325. choice
  326. ` A Helmsman would help me avoid fights. That's for me.`
  327. goto helmsman
  328. ` Fights seem to always find me. A Tactical Officer would be great.`
  329. goto tactical
  330. ` It will be much easier doing sensitive work with a Security Officer.`
  331. goto security
  332. ` A Science Officer would be invaluable with all the exploring I do.`
  333. goto science
  334. ` I need an Engineer to help me keep <ship> in the sky.`
  335. goto engineer
  336. ` You know, I'm not sure yet. Let me get back to you.`
  337. defer
  338. label helmsman
  339. action
  340. outfit "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  341. outfit "VO-104a Helmsman"
  342. ` "Discretion is the better part of valor, after all."`
  343. goto done
  344. label tactical
  345. action
  346. outfit "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  347. outfit "VO-107d Tactical Officer"
  348. ` "If you must fight, you're better off going in with an advantage."`
  349. goto done
  350. label security
  351. action
  352. outfit "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  353. outfit "VO-119zo Security Officer"
  354. ` She arches an eyebrow. "As long as it helps you stay out of trouble..."`
  355. goto done
  356. label science
  357. action
  358. outfit "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  359. outfit "VO-108c Science Officer"
  360. ` "Excellent choice! I'm jealous I won't get to see it in use."`
  361. goto done
  362. label engineer
  363. action
  364. outfit "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  365. outfit "VO-114n Engineer"
  366. ` "The better it operates, the safer a ship is."`
  367. goto done
  368. label done
  369. ` She types something on a tablet. "Done! Your new hardware should be waiting for you at your ship, with software pre-installed."`
  370. branch goodbyefirst goodbyeformal
  371. has "jm-artcrew Runa firstname"
  372. label goodbyefirst
  373. branch goodbyehands goodbyejustfirst
  374. has "jm-artcrew Runa hands"
  375. label goodbyehands
  376. ` Runa looks at you a moment, smiling. "This has been an absolute pleasure, <first>. I know we both have other work to get to, but please visit. Fly safe so I can be sure to see you again."`
  377. goto finished
  378. label goodbyejustfirst
  379. ` Runa smiles. "<first>, it's been a pleasure and a privilege. Look me up next time you're in the area and drinks are on me."`
  380. goto finished
  381. label goodbyeformal
  382. ` Ms. Lenniker stands and offers you an hearty handshake. "Captain <last>, it's been a privilege."`
  383. goto finished
  384. label finished
  385. decline
  386. on decline
  387. log "Visited Runa Lenniker on Asgard to pick up my promised bonus pay: a new neural computer and Virtual Officer software ro run on it."
  388. event "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available"
  389. set "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  390. event "jm-artcrew Deep automation is needed" 180
  391. event "jm-artcrew Deep Security uses VOs" 5
  392. event "jm-artcrew Merchants use VOs" 21
  393. outfitter "Deep Sky Advanced"
  394. "DH-1 Crew Processing Unit"
  395. "VO-104a Helmsman"
  396. "VO-107d Tactical Officer"
  397. "VO-119zo Security Officer"
  398. "VO-108c Science Officer"
  399. "VO-114n Engineer"
  400. event "jm-artcrew Deep Security uses VOs"
  401. event "jm-artcrew Merchants use VOs"
  402. mission "jm-artcrew Deep AIs available"
  403. landing
  404. source
  405. near "Naos" 100
  406. to offer
  407. has "jm-artcrew Deep AIs for sale"
  408. on offer
  409. conversation
  410. `An advertisement crossing your feed catches your eye.`
  411. ` "Deep Sky is proud to announce the availability of our new Virtual Officer line of AIs. Why hire a crew member when a computer can do the job more efficiently? Come to showrooms in select Deep Sky outfitters to hire the best crew members in the galaxy!"`
  412. branch done
  413. not "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 4: done"
  414. ` It's probably a good time to track down Runa Lenniker on Asgard for the rest of your payment.`
  415. label done
  416. decline
  417. # part 2, full automation
  418. event "jm-artcrew Deep automation is needed"
  419. mission "jm-artcrew Runa Lenniker needs help again"
  420. name "A request for help"
  421. landing
  422. source
  423. near "Naos" 100
  424. to offer
  425. has "event: jm-artcrew Deep automation is needed"
  426. on offer
  427. conversation
  428. branch helped
  429. has "jm-artcrew Deep Sky 4: done"
  430. ``